New Neologisms

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Rob Swigart


Year 1988
Publisher Grafton
ISBN 0586206493



Earth - The lights are on but nobody's home . . .

An astronaut returns to Earth from a mysteriously aborted mission to another star system, prematurely awakened from suspended animation.  One hundred years have passed: animals and plants thrive, cities stand intact.

But every human being has disappeared!

With the help of a slowly reviving computer network, the astronaut begins to piece together the events of the last century.  He learns of the child prodigy Peter Devore, of a world orchestrated by stunning new technologies, and of Peter's race against time to unlock the secrets of the Portal . . .







The book is certainly not perfect by sci-fi standards, but there are few books that I've read which got me enchanted like this one. A little like reading Peter Pan when I was ten years old. It transports you into its imaginative world, making it so real that when you close the book you actually ask yourself if the real world might not actually be inside the book.


First view of Earth from the moon



Credit: NASA

First View of Earth From Moon
On Aug. 23, 1966, the world received its first view of Earth taken by a spacecraft from the vicinity of the Moon. The photo was transmitted to Earth by the Lunar Orbiter I and received at the NASA tracking station at Robledo De Chavela near Madrid, Spain. The image was taken during the spacecraft’s 16th orbit.

NASA Image of the day archive





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