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Piers Anthony


Year 1969
Publisher Sphere Books Ltd
ISBN 0722111770



Macroscope - the greatest scientific breakthrough in the history of man, a vast space-borne device that brought the entire universe within man's range of vision, revealing levels of technology way beyond anything dreamed of on Earth.  But the discovery brought danger ... in a place so unthinkably distant in space and time that it might have been at the other end of the continuum.  A place where ancient symbols came to life to battle for the souls of men.



Macroscope - Throughout history, man has been searching for better ways to gather information about his universe. But although they may have longed for it, not even the most brilliant minds could conceive of a device as infinitely powerful or as immeasurably precise as the macroscope, until the twenty-first century. By analyzing information carried on macrons, this unbelievable tool brought the whole universe of wonders to man's doorstep. The macroscope was seen by many as the salvation of the human race. But in the hands of the wrong man, the macroscope could be immensely destructive-infinitely more dangerous than the nuclear bomb. By searching to know too much, man could destroy the very essence of his mind. This is the powerful story of man's struggle with technology, and also the story of his human struggle with himself. This novel takes us across the breathtaking ranges of space as well as through the most touching places in the human heart. It is a story of coming of age, of sacrifice, and of love. It is the story of man's desperate search for a compromise between his mind and his heart, between knowledge and humanity.


At the Edge of the Sun



Credit: NASA

At the Edge of the Sun
Dramatic prominences can sometimes be seen looming just beyond the edge of the sun. A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held just above the surface by the Sun's magnetic field. The Earth would easily fit below the prominence on the left. A quiescent prominence typically lasts about a month, and may erupt in a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) expelling hot gas into the Solar System. Although very hot, prominences typically appear dark when viewed against the Sun, since they are slightly cooler than the surface. The above image in false color was taken on June 1 from Stuttgart, Germany with an amateur telescope and camera. Photo Credit & Copyright: Stefan Seip (AstroMeeting)

NASA Image of the day archive





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