One of the
Heritage Universe
Quake and Opal
circle Mandel,
itself half of a
binary star
system. Once
every 350,000
years, the second
sun, together with
the great gas
planet Gargantua
swing in close
enough to form the
At this time, land
and sea tides
sweep Quake on a
scale that no
human has ever
But they are
about to.
Once Quake and
Opal were joined
by the great
artefact known as
the Umbilical,
constructed by an
ancient race known
only as the
Builders. At
the time of the
Grand Conjunction
there are those
who are drawn by
the secrets of the
past to Quake and
the Umbilical -
but why have they
come, and what are
they in search of? |