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Alfred Bester


The Demolished Man
Year 1953
Publisher Millennium  (Victor Gollancz)
ISBN 1857988221



In a world in which the police have telepathic powers, how do you get away with murder?

Ben Reich heads a huge 24th century business empire, spanning the solar system.  He is also an obsessed, driven man determined to murder a rival.  To avoid capture, in a society where murderers can be detected even before they commit their crime, is the greatest challenge of his life.




First-Ever Winner of the Hugo Award

"From the opening nightmare to the nightmarish conclusion, The Demolished Man pulls you along with a runaway freight train of a plot and Bester's trademark classy-yet-crazed prose.  Wordgames abound.  A cool cop hunts a beguilingly mad bad-guy across the EEG landscape of a psychic twenty-fourth ventury.  Pulp fiction meets literature in a giddying fusion of wonder and excess, and yet, in the Demolition scene towards the end, The Demolished Man also contains what has to be one of the scariest and most haunting passages in all of science fiction."
James Lovegrove



Launch gantries on Missile Row, circa 1965



Credit: NASA

Missile Row
In a view from 1965, the full moon is out dazzled by the lights of the launch gantries on Missile Row, stretching north along the shoreline of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

NASA Image of the day archive





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